Lowering Resistances
I have a question about some new effects with v1.10......specifically, the -X% Resistance effects of new runewords and items in v1.10. For example -- the Doom runeword lowers enemy cold resistance 40-60%, the new Thunderstroke javelin lowers enemy lightning resistance 15%, etc etc etc.

What actions specifically trigger this effect? Are resistances lowered once the enemy has been physically attacked? Will a melee attack, a ranged attack, or even a spell attack work for lowering their resistances?

How about hitting them with an aura, will that count too? Namely, if a Holy Shock paladin has a Crescent Moon sword equipped, will enemy resistances drop 35% as soon as his Holy Shock zaps them, or must he strike them with the sword to engage it? Or, similarly, if a sorceress' mercenary has Hand of Justice equipped, can she exploit lowered resistances and immediately blast them with Fire Wall, or must she wait until the merc has dealt a blow to each enemy?

Any help from knowledgable experts would be much appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Lowering Resistances - by benepperson - 01-18-2004, 07:41 AM
Lowering Resistances - by adeyke - 01-18-2004, 07:46 AM
Lowering Resistances - by AtomicKitKat - 01-18-2004, 10:40 AM
Lowering Resistances - by adeyke - 01-18-2004, 03:28 PM

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