01-17-2004, 06:39 PM
Crystalion,Jan 17 2004, 03:44 AM Wrote:So a more likely theory as to the 50% poison resist for the base BG in monstats.txt not adding to summon resist for immunity would either be that I make a mistake, or that, perhaps, summon resist sets the initial resist, overwriting the base 50 stat from monstats completely. An obvious way to test this would be to make blood golems, like andarial, have -50% resist, and summon resist 100% and test for non-SR extra vulnerability and SR immunity (i.e. the expected result if monstats.txt is used, but SR overwrites it).Doesn't blood golem have 20% Poison Resists? (at least this is what was said when the patch first came out from, I think, skills.txt) Maybe that explains the non-immunity (and perhaps shorten your "to do" list) =)