when do you do hell diff ancients?
I usually reset them untill I get a somewhat fair challenge; eg no might/fanta/cures/extra strong combo's.

My trapassa faced them at ~lvl 71, and beat them by doing a lot of running and casting traps whenever possible.

My thorns necro faced them at lvl 70, and died to the leaper, who for some reason ignored the revives, golem and merc.

My Werewolf faced them at lvl 72, and killed them using fury (armed with the mighty Aldur's Rhytm...) It took about 45 minutes of fury, retreat, fury, retreat, but I lived.

Messages In This Thread
when do you do hell diff ancients? - by Naddybear - 03-15-2003, 04:18 AM
when do you do hell diff ancients? - by Mikedok - 03-15-2003, 07:47 PM
when do you do hell diff ancients? - by AssA - 03-15-2003, 09:24 PM

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