Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
Ok, Mission has the spunky little girl thing going, but she's a scoundrel. After force powers cause an immobile effect a la force wave, stasis, fear she gets sneak attack damage applied to every attack! No special control of Mission Vao required. Simply disgusting damage is done.

But a question: On Manaan, the current Swoop racer threatens you, does he ever live up to that threat? He never attacked me the first time through. I'd like to confront him this time. Does he ever battle? I never got to kill him. I'd like to do that sometime.

More: Jolee's sub-quest on Manaan to solve the murder. Is there Sith Evidence at all? There's mention of Sith Evidence being removed, but is there Sith spy involvement at all I can collect? I've interviewed the witnesses about the murder victum's weapon choice and backround. I don't see a good way out of this. I can prove him innocent... but the evidence I've gathered, and the following confession says otherwise.

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Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread. - by Drasca - 01-10-2004, 02:02 AM

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