12-30-2003, 06:19 PM
:o That is niiiiice. I would wish for a little more min damage though. But the maximum damage on that baby is beautiful! The 2xleech is nice, though mana doesn't apply to mercs. I have been able to get 210 str. (and more) on mercs by using Corpsemourn (+8 str) and Veil of Steel (+15 str...lucky find, I know) to get +23 str and then the socket (or 2, if you're very lucky) could use a Hel (and the other, if you are lucky again, could use a Shael or some kind of nice jewel with ed to get that lousy attack speed up). If I'm doing this right (which I'm probably not) then somewhere in the late 70s to mid-80s you could get 210 str (that is with a nm merc, which is my most often used). Anyone who knows exactly what it would be could correct me because that is a pretty rough guess.
Quote:Adeyke and people like him get tons of questions exactly like this one by people who're apparently too stupid to play without Maphack, too stupid to read the Help file that comes with the program, too stupid to turn off the socket protection when they're using Maphack, and too stupid to realize that they're stepping before the firing squad when asking questions like that in forums like this.-AK404