Necromancer questions
There are several options...

The Clay Golem is not a bad option. For 21 points (one in Clay Golem, the rest in Golem Mastery) you get a very sturdy golem with the excellent slowing ability. One thing you should know, however, is that the Clay Golem is useless as a damage dealer. It's sole purpose is to tank.
In my humble opinion you don't get the best out of the Clay Golem unless you have some sort of melee capacity. Since you don't really have points to invest heavily in summons this will either be your merc or yourself.
If you don't plan on having a melee merc or melee gear on yourself the points are better invested elsewhere as Bone Wall and Bone Prison will suit your tanking and crowd control needs much better if you plan on being a pure caster.

Curses is perhaps and even better place to sink points into. Most of them will do wonders even with but one point in them. There are, of course, some of them that are pretty worthless for a boneslinger, such as Amplify Damage, Iron Maiden and Lower Resist.

The curses that should interest you are:

Dim Vision:
Feel free to max this one. This curse will allow you to shut down screenfuls of monsters allowing you to engage monsters at your leisure instead of being swarmed. This one is POWERFUL, though it doesn't work on bosses and champions. Remember to cast at the edge of screen before venturing forth.

Use this one to slow down boss monsters to give yourself some breathing room and make your spirits hit better. If you plan on getting a Clay Golem, try to get this one too and a Holy Freeze desert warrior.

Why bother about tanking when you can get the monsters to do this for you? Don't put more than one point into this curse.

Finally you could also just forget about anything else and use all your points in the bone tree. Max Bone Spear, Bone Spirit, Bone Wall, Bone Prison and Teeth. Finally put the excess points into Corpse Explosion in order to deal with magic immunes.

Messages In This Thread
Necromancer questions - by hobbes - 12-28-2003, 06:40 PM
Necromancer questions - by adeyke - 12-28-2003, 07:50 PM
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Necromancer questions - by adeyke - 01-09-2004, 07:31 AM
Necromancer questions - by Caaroid - 01-09-2004, 10:03 AM

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