Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
Well, since this topic seems to be dead, this'll be the last time I post to it (although I may edit with pics for any who do read it, since I don't think edits bump the thread to the top).

I just want to say that the Dark Side is growing on me. Almost like a fungus. :D Some of the evil options are great (example: telling Tanis Venn that you'll sit and watch him die while sipping icewater :o )! And Dominate Mind is just pure sex ("You want to give me that wraid skullplate." OMG I totally ruined that woman's life :ph34r: ).

I didn't quite get Dark Side Mastery on Dantooine, but managed it quickly on Tatooine. My level 12 Consular now has 160 Force Points, and virtually never attacks with his lightsaber. Force Lightning, Choke, and Drain Health all work much better, for him at least.

I've also actually found a few spots where T3-M4 will interject in conversations; he has something to say if he's in the party when you talk to the woman looking for her droid on Dantooine (but not with the droid itself, strangely), as well as the encounter with Tanis Venn in the Dune Sea. He also chimes in if he's in the party when you talk to HK-47 before purchasing him.

And also, I found a little story that HK lovers might like. :lol:
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

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Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread. - by WarLocke - 12-28-2003, 06:42 AM

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