12-25-2003, 02:29 AM
Well, I finally found something actually 'evil' to do on Taris; I betrayed Gadon Thek to the Black Vulkars and wiped out the Hidden Beks. That was a nice, huge brawl. :o
Everything else on Taris has been kind of bland, though. There doesn't seem to be too much difference between paying as a female goody-goody and a male jackass. I'm about to assault the Sith base with T3-M4, so I don't have too much left to do before I can start enjoying Dark Side force powers...
Question: Can Force Choke be used in dialogue? It would be neat to have a 'Vader Moment', heh. Actually, I have no idea what powers I should take with my Dark Consular. I'll end up with 17 powers total (13 levels + powers at 1, 5, 9, 13) but there are so many that sound so cool. Dominate Mind, Force Storm, Kill, Death Field, Insanity... the Light Side was easy compared to this (Force Wave, Master Speed, Force Immunity = Gold)!
I've also noted a few changes in the Difficult difficulty level (what a mouthful); for one thing, most enemies have better Dex bonuses (Sith Troopers have -4 on Normal, +1 on Difficult, and Rakghouls are unholy now). Also, I don't think I've ever seen an enemy use a medkit on Normal, but I see it fairly often in Difficult. They don't seem to get tons of extra Vitality though, nor does the game just throw extra opponents at you. It's a nice challenge, and not (usually) frustrating.
Everything else on Taris has been kind of bland, though. There doesn't seem to be too much difference between paying as a female goody-goody and a male jackass. I'm about to assault the Sith base with T3-M4, so I don't have too much left to do before I can start enjoying Dark Side force powers...
Question: Can Force Choke be used in dialogue? It would be neat to have a 'Vader Moment', heh. Actually, I have no idea what powers I should take with my Dark Consular. I'll end up with 17 powers total (13 levels + powers at 1, 5, 9, 13) but there are so many that sound so cool. Dominate Mind, Force Storm, Kill, Death Field, Insanity... the Light Side was easy compared to this (Force Wave, Master Speed, Force Immunity = Gold)!
I've also noted a few changes in the Difficult difficulty level (what a mouthful); for one thing, most enemies have better Dex bonuses (Sith Troopers have -4 on Normal, +1 on Difficult, and Rakghouls are unholy now). Also, I don't think I've ever seen an enemy use a medkit on Normal, but I see it fairly often in Difficult. They don't seem to get tons of extra Vitality though, nor does the game just throw extra opponents at you. It's a nice challenge, and not (usually) frustrating.