Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
Taris lies in ruins.

I just got to Dantooine, and I didn't feel the first planet was that much harder on 'hard' than it was on 'normal'.

Can't wait to get to Yavin. I'm keeping all the stuff I'm finding so I can sell them on Yavin at inflated prices after I've beaten the guy in Pazaak 10 times.

Evil stuff to do on Taris:
* Assassination quests from the Hut in the sewer cantina.
* Messing up the dance of the prospective dancer. (Evil, but you gain no evil points, for some reason.)
* Helping the kids make fun of the weird alien
* Kill both the loansharks as well as the "shark bait" :P
* Kill both sewer clans
* Don't cure anyone of the plague.
* Don't show the old man in the underworld the diaries.
* Last fight in the arena. The one againgst Bendak Starkiller.
* Threatening to kill droid lady if you don't get the droid for free.
* Selling the vaccine for the plague to the sewer Hut.
* Killing the clerk in the sith base
* Killing some of the good guys locked in Davik's residence (guy next door to your room + guy in torture room.)

That's about it, as far as I can remember.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread. - by [wcip]Angel - 12-20-2003, 09:54 PM

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