Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
Heh, I was going to put up a screenshot of mine but seems like I killed the save files after the uninstall. Not that it matters since I had messed everything up so terribly I was going to restart ANYWAY.

The reason is that, although I've been here in Germany for a while now (bit over one and a half years) there's just too much text and information to follow for my still underdeveloped german language skills. So I'm going to borrow a friend's Spanish version (I forgot to ask if it's also totally localized, heh) and install it instead, then I can use the german CDs for playing.

The funny thing when you don't understand everything is that you get a lot of surprises when playing. Most of the time what happened is that I killed someone I shouldn't have. Juhani comes to mind :lol:, or that guy you find at the beginning in the Sith base, when I confused red and green switches and fried him.

So, with all that my goody/baddy meter was dead in the middle of light/dark ;)

My character was a bit "weird", 20 strength, 10 dexterity, high constitution and charisma (why? heck, why not!) and light armour. Then I noticed that certain powers were not usable unless I was wearing no armour or a Jedi robe. That's the only thing I wanted to change (well, and stop killing people when I don't want to). I'm using only one lightsabre, call me old school if you wish, but everyone seems to be dual wielding or using those fancy dual bladed lightsabres so this is actually original.

Fun game anyway, Star Wars meets Neverwinter Nights pretty much, I like it.

Oh yeah, and I so want a purple crystal for my lightsabre. I mean, purple! How cool is that! (I won't be able to have anyone in my team with a green one in that case though...).

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Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread. - by Walkiry - 12-17-2003, 10:38 AM

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