Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread.
Being evil certainly has its advantages:
[Image: ka-ching.jpg]
130.000 - more than enough to buy absolutely everything i I want :)

Spoiler ahead not related to me being filthy rich:


I have to say, having big Z kill his best friend (Mission) was murder on my conscience (no pun intended). I felt so bad I had to go up to the bathroom and wash away the sith-stench from my hands.

But now it's just the two sisters; Willow and Bastilla both in Sith master uniforms having a blast with Canderrous (menage à trois, anyone?)

I'm still on the Starforge, running around killing spawning soldiers left and right. Won't be long now till I am Ruler of Galaxy1™.

... I always knew girls were evil :lol:
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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Knights of the Old Republic Appreciation Thread. - by [wcip]Angel - 12-16-2003, 09:17 PM

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