12-16-2003, 01:55 PM
First of all: Nice guide, well done. Now some nit-picks. ;)
1) in the section where you describe qlvls and the like you claim that the collosus blade is "the best". The balrog blade has the same damage but is a tad bit faster. So I dare to disagree. It has the highest qlevel, but that's about it.
2) What's the "Entwickler" class? I only play the english version so I don't know ... ;)
3) In your listing of the different areas it's chaos sanctuary. (Very tiny nit, I know)
4) In our equipment discussion you might like to add sets like angelic's halo plus 2 other items from the set (50%mf per ring) or the tancred's weird (plus hobnails for example) combo. They are nice easy to get starter stuff.
5) Your argument "denn die besten Items des Spiels werden irgendwann so selten (Chancen in Tausendstel- bzw. Zehntausendstel-Prozent Bereichen), dass die MF-Chance immer weniger spürbaren Einfluss hat." is off. your MF still increases the chance to get said item by the same value as lower items. And since those high level items drop so seldom you really want to get a good itme out of this rare drop so I'd say your MF becomes even more important in those cases. Know what I mean?
Good luck with the contest!
1) in the section where you describe qlvls and the like you claim that the collosus blade is "the best". The balrog blade has the same damage but is a tad bit faster. So I dare to disagree. It has the highest qlevel, but that's about it.
2) What's the "Entwickler" class? I only play the english version so I don't know ... ;)
3) In your listing of the different areas it's chaos sanctuary. (Very tiny nit, I know)
4) In our equipment discussion you might like to add sets like angelic's halo plus 2 other items from the set (50%mf per ring) or the tancred's weird (plus hobnails for example) combo. They are nice easy to get starter stuff.
5) Your argument "denn die besten Items des Spiels werden irgendwann so selten (Chancen in Tausendstel- bzw. Zehntausendstel-Prozent Bereichen), dass die MF-Chance immer weniger spürbaren Einfluss hat." is off. your MF still increases the chance to get said item by the same value as lower items. And since those high level items drop so seldom you really want to get a good itme out of this rare drop so I'd say your MF becomes even more important in those cases. Know what I mean?
Good luck with the contest!