Lag monster...
JustAGuy,Dec 11 2003, 07:56 PM Wrote:On both of my machines, the game is much more consistent (smooth) when being drawn in a window.
I'm not sure what the term is for this, but if you view something (okay, talking moving things) in smaller size, it will always look smoother.

Quote:My desktop refresh rate is going 100 Hz, so that's why my diablo *can* reach 100 fps (it usually doesn't, though). Usually when you're in full-screen mode, you're stuck at 60 fps (usually).

Feel free to not believe me, but the only single thing which changes with 25> fps is the cursor movement, nothing else.

But then again, windowed could indeed work better.

Messages In This Thread
Lag monster... - by NeoLunar - 12-09-2003, 02:52 AM
Lag monster... - by DeeBye - 12-09-2003, 03:25 AM
Lag monster... - by Archon_Wing - 12-09-2003, 05:17 AM
Lag monster... - by shavenlunatic - 12-09-2003, 09:31 AM
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Lag monster... - by Archon_Wing - 12-10-2003, 01:49 AM
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Lag monster... - by Kartoffelsalat - 12-10-2003, 02:38 AM
Lag monster... - by Obi2Kenobi - 12-10-2003, 02:42 AM
Lag monster... - by JustAGuy - 12-10-2003, 05:26 AM
Lag monster... - by D2Player69 - 12-10-2003, 04:00 PM
Lag monster... - by Guest - 12-10-2003, 05:29 PM
Lag monster... - by ldw - 12-11-2003, 10:22 AM
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Lag monster... - by JustAGuy - 12-11-2003, 07:05 PM
Lag monster... - by Vandiablo - 12-12-2003, 05:20 AM
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Lag monster... - by Vandiablo - 12-13-2003, 05:04 AM
Lag monster... - by Vandiablo - 12-13-2003, 05:09 AM
Lag monster... - by NeoLunar - 12-13-2003, 09:08 AM
Lag monster... - by Obi2Kenobi - 12-13-2003, 02:08 PM
Lag monster... - by D2Player69 - 12-13-2003, 10:45 PM
Lag monster... - by shavenlunatic - 12-15-2003, 11:49 AM
Lag monster... - by Guest - 12-15-2003, 03:46 PM
Lag monster... - by JustAGuy - 12-18-2003, 01:09 AM

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