A new variant idea?
Might I suggest Biggin's Bonnet? I never gave this item a second glance, until I stuck one on Gleeclaw, my Cleglaw-using Amazon. Boy am I ever glad I did. Level 16 and she's doing 60+ damage per chop(maximum)

Name: Biggin's Bonnet
Type: Cap
Quality: Unique
Level Req: 3

+15 MP/HP
+14 Defense(around 20 when added to the base, not bad for a lousy cap)
+30 AR
>>+30% Enhanced Damage(this is the main draw)

Also, it looks like a scalp that you just ripped off somebody's skull.

For body armour, look for all the various ones named after skin(anything with skin, fleece, silk, shell in the name)

You mentioned Goreshovel. You can add Gore Rider War Boots to the list. The Deadly Strike would help since he doesn't have any Critical Strike of his own.


How about as a test, he has to fill up his stash with the equivalent of a full inventory(excluding belt) of health potions(blood)? As a reward for that, he would get to wear his first piece of "magic"(most likely the bonnet)

I'll leave the real variant players to come up with more difficult tribulations for your character. Let us know how it goes!

Messages In This Thread
A new variant idea? - by Nicodemus Phaulkon - 03-13-2003, 05:03 PM
A new variant idea? - by AtomicKitKat - 03-13-2003, 06:08 PM
A new variant idea? - by NiteFox - 03-13-2003, 06:14 PM
A new variant idea? - by Occhidiangela - 03-13-2003, 06:50 PM
A new variant idea? - by WarBlade - 03-13-2003, 08:24 PM
A new variant idea? - by Elric of Grans - 03-13-2003, 09:38 PM
A new variant idea? - by Loschonorg - 03-14-2003, 01:50 AM
A new variant idea? - by Griselda - 03-14-2003, 03:38 AM
A new variant idea? - by Elric of Grans - 03-14-2003, 05:35 AM
A new variant idea? - by Occhidiangela - 03-14-2003, 08:14 PM
A new variant idea? - by Professor Frink - 03-19-2003, 11:50 AM

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