Decoy vs. Valkyrie
First off, the character in question is for the most part a amazon that uses immolation and freezing arrow.

The obnoxious timer that the Valk has is really getting on my nerves. No, I don't want to spam valkyrie, but I can't use my other skills (immolation, freezing arrow)for an extended period of time after casting. That is bad, especialy if I meet an extra strong boss pack, then I need to throw a quick shield up. Yes, I do cast it beforehand, but I often need to resummon her due to her trademark intelligence or the monsters just doing too much damage

So here comes the decoy. The decoy does not have an annoying timer, and I believe the mana cost goes down as skill level increases. This might be an alternative to the mana-intensive valk. Of course, the main drawback is that the decoy doesn't do damage. That never really mattered to me, though, as I want a reliable meat shield. ;)
Also, points in decoy add more life to the valk

I'd like to call upon the experience of the people here. Would you think it would be best to split the points between the two, put 1 point in decoy and get high level valk, or vice versa? I'm currently playing Ladder hc, and I'm in desperate need for a reliable shield!
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)

Messages In This Thread
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by Archon_Wing - 12-15-2003, 05:13 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by NeoLunar - 12-15-2003, 06:22 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by whyBish - 12-15-2003, 11:11 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by Guest - 12-15-2003, 02:49 PM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by dkass - 12-17-2003, 12:17 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by AtomicKitKat - 12-17-2003, 04:47 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by Caaroid - 12-17-2003, 11:20 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by whyBish - 12-18-2003, 08:29 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by Shevlock - 01-03-2004, 09:12 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by Obi2Kenobi - 01-03-2004, 09:38 PM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by Thecla - 01-04-2004, 02:54 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by whyBish - 01-04-2004, 09:25 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by Thecla - 01-04-2004, 09:40 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by whyBish - 01-05-2004, 08:08 AM
Decoy vs. Valkyrie - by Thecla - 01-05-2004, 08:53 AM

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