Can +bow skills stack on Zon bows?
Thanks very much for your insightful reply. :)

I'm still very much feeling my way through the game; the highest character I've ever had is my SC Ladder Fissure Druid, currently lvl 68, and my highest Zon ever (pre-1.10) was only lvl 33.

I play solo almost exclusively, and trade only with the one friend with whom I occasionally play, so it may be a long time before I see a Kuko or Buriza. A Kuko did drop for me pre-1.10, and I didn't have a Zon who could wield it-- but I had a Fire Arrow Rogue who could, and did, with very impressive results. :D

I hadn't thought about the adverse effect of Knockback on a FA Zon, and appreciate you pointing it out. :) My current Zon is in fact a wannabe Frostmaiden (lvl 24), who currently uses a 4-socket Reflex with PTopaz, PEmerald, Eth, and Nef, and she rather enjoys the Knockback.


Messages In This Thread
Can +bow skills stack on Zon bows? - by Zyr - 12-12-2003, 09:55 PM
Can +bow skills stack on Zon bows? - by adeyke - 12-12-2003, 11:20 PM
Can +bow skills stack on Zon bows? - by librarian - 12-12-2003, 11:21 PM
Can +bow skills stack on Zon bows? - by Zyr - 12-13-2003, 03:52 AM
Can +bow skills stack on Zon bows? - by Zyr - 12-13-2003, 04:01 AM
Can +bow skills stack on Zon bows? - by librarian - 12-13-2003, 06:33 AM

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