12-07-2003, 11:37 PM
"Too many cooks spoil the broth."
I website I made for an ethnic club here in Auckland was doing fine just as a Geocities freebie, but one of my fellow club members pre-empted my eventual plan to pay for a domain and get rid of crummy ads without adding extra code to pages. He promptly grabbed everything I had done and put it up on the new site, then handed me the keys saying, "Have fun." I thought it was only fair to ask if he wanted participation and he replied with,
"Too many cooks spoil the broth."
To some extent I think he's right. I think back to a time when I worked on a gaming site wit hlike minded individuals. One started the site, set up the forum, needed help, brought a friend in, everything was fine. The forums got out of control, they brought me in as admin, everything was fine. The three of us had an unspoken agreement - We just did our separate things, handling parts of the site that interested us and the three off us worked extremely well together. Then the first guy brought in someone else - A real control freak who thought of himself as the boss etc etc and suddenly the site was in a state of complete self destruction.
It's gone now, but that statement I was told much later also has some meaning to me now too.
So my advice is please be careful in your choices. Retain some measure of control, and override if necessary. I'd hate to see the Lounge suffer problems from behind-the-scenes disagreements. :unsure:
I website I made for an ethnic club here in Auckland was doing fine just as a Geocities freebie, but one of my fellow club members pre-empted my eventual plan to pay for a domain and get rid of crummy ads without adding extra code to pages. He promptly grabbed everything I had done and put it up on the new site, then handed me the keys saying, "Have fun." I thought it was only fair to ask if he wanted participation and he replied with,
"Too many cooks spoil the broth."
To some extent I think he's right. I think back to a time when I worked on a gaming site wit hlike minded individuals. One started the site, set up the forum, needed help, brought a friend in, everything was fine. The forums got out of control, they brought me in as admin, everything was fine. The three of us had an unspoken agreement - We just did our separate things, handling parts of the site that interested us and the three off us worked extremely well together. Then the first guy brought in someone else - A real control freak who thought of himself as the boss etc etc and suddenly the site was in a state of complete self destruction.
It's gone now, but that statement I was told much later also has some meaning to me now too.
So my advice is please be careful in your choices. Retain some measure of control, and override if necessary. I'd hate to see the Lounge suffer problems from behind-the-scenes disagreements. :unsure:
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War