12-04-2003, 03:22 PM
UO rip-offs
Diablo Lord
Daemon Diablo
Diablo Daemon (see, it's after the name now...we have variety!!!!!)
The Lord of the Abyss
The Collector of Souls
And, erh, out of the competition. :D
Aamon, Agalierept, Agares, Aglasis, Aiwaz, Astaroth, Ayperos, Azatoth, Azmodaeus, Azrael, Baal, Ba'al, Barbatos, Bathim, Bathsin, Bechard, Be'elzubub, Be'elzebubba, Beelzebuth, Botis, Brulefer, Bucon, Buer, Clauneck, Clitheret, Cthulhu, Cthulu, Druzil, El Chupacabra, Eleogap, Eliezer, Eligor, Eligos, Eracove, Faraii, Fleurety, Frimost, Frucissiere, Fruitimere, Glassyalabolas, Guland, Gusoyn, Hael, Haristum, Heramael, Hiepacth, Huictiigara, Humots, Khil, Marbas, Mephistopheles, Mersilde, Minoson, Molech, Moloch, Morail, Musisin, Naberrs, Nebiros, Nebirots, Nyarlathotep, Pentagnony, Proculo, Pruslas, Pursan, Rofocale, Sargatans, Satanchia, Satanciae, Segal, Sergulath, Sergutthy, Sidragrosam, Sirchade, Starr, Surgat, Sustugriel, Tarchimache, Tarihimal, Trimasel, Tyriel, Vaelfar, Wormius, Yog-Sothoth, Y'reif Eci, Zoray
Diablo Lord
Daemon Diablo
Diablo Daemon (see, it's after the name now...we have variety!!!!!)
The Lord of the Abyss
The Collector of Souls
And, erh, out of the competition. :D
Aamon, Agalierept, Agares, Aglasis, Aiwaz, Astaroth, Ayperos, Azatoth, Azmodaeus, Azrael, Baal, Ba'al, Barbatos, Bathim, Bathsin, Bechard, Be'elzubub, Be'elzebubba, Beelzebuth, Botis, Brulefer, Bucon, Buer, Clauneck, Clitheret, Cthulhu, Cthulu, Druzil, El Chupacabra, Eleogap, Eliezer, Eligor, Eligos, Eracove, Faraii, Fleurety, Frimost, Frucissiere, Fruitimere, Glassyalabolas, Guland, Gusoyn, Hael, Haristum, Heramael, Hiepacth, Huictiigara, Humots, Khil, Marbas, Mephistopheles, Mersilde, Minoson, Molech, Moloch, Morail, Musisin, Naberrs, Nebiros, Nebirots, Nyarlathotep, Pentagnony, Proculo, Pruslas, Pursan, Rofocale, Sargatans, Satanchia, Satanciae, Segal, Sergulath, Sergutthy, Sidragrosam, Sirchade, Starr, Surgat, Sustugriel, Tarchimache, Tarihimal, Trimasel, Tyriel, Vaelfar, Wormius, Yog-Sothoth, Y'reif Eci, Zoray