12-03-2003, 07:28 PM
Quote:Poison Nova, Poison Dagger, Bone Spear and Bone spirit need very heavy investment to become good spells later on. They will most certainly suck if you put just 5 points in.
I resent that comment. 1 point poison nova has served me well many times in the past, since any poison damage stops all regeration. ;) If only I could raise my 2 second duration... Although, if you are a summoner, casting poison nova won't interrupt your fighting, so you could just cast it once every 2 seconds and refresh your curses. :)
As for Jarulf (the mercenary) I always get Jarulf if using a cold merc, and Scorch for a fire one. Lightning I don't care about the name. Although the name can spawn on any type (even a cold merc named Scorch). But Flux is a nice name for a lightning merc, since the damage can fluxuate between hits greatly. :)