Have you played the Deus Ex2-demo?
I haven't been able to play it, since the graphic engine uses pixel shaders which were introduced with the GeForce 3s (I have a GF2 MX).

There's a thread about it over on SA, and the general consensus seems to be that it's too "consoley" (huge HUD, lack of lean controls, unified ammo, lack of lethal weapons, etc).

I'll buy the game anyway (need to upgrade to at least a 1.2ghz processor to run KoTOR, might as well get a GF4 while I'm at it), but some of the stuff I've been reading about it makes me dread it - like the removal of the skill system. That was such a crock.

They take out the skill system, and when players start complaining that headshots with pistols are no longer instant kills (on the Ion Storm fora), Warren Spector himself puts up a post (don't have a link at the moment, but I can find it if anyone's interested) saying among other things that they did that because in DX1 players could run full-tilt at a guard and shoot him in the face before he could react. HELLO? YOU COULDN'T DO THAT IN DX1 BECAUSE OF THE SKILL SYSTEM/VARIABLE AIMING! Man, some of the stuff Spector says has me wondering if he even knows what game he's talking about.

Oh, and the controls resetting thing is fixable. Apparently the demo shipped with the configuration file set as "read-only". Look in your installation directory for the .ini file (main.ini? I forgot the exact name) and uncheck read-only from the Properties menu, and you should be good to go. I'm sorry, but what the heck kind of retarded monkey QA intern could miss something like that? That's the kind of thing I'd fire somebody over if I ran Ion Storm.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

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Have you played the Deus Ex2-demo? - by WarLocke - 11-29-2003, 09:47 PM

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