11-28-2003, 07:42 PM
I've heard of the same tactic using nearly any of the sorc's spells. It's also possible with many classes' ranged skills. Just a slightly harder trigger hack to pull off than it was with guided arrow.
I have often heard that the PK will often help someone(s) through an act, and then after killing an act boss will ask their target a question that will require a little typing. While their target is typing, they launch the attack, and trigger to town/hostile. It gives them a much better shot at succces if their target is distracted and unmoving.
I suspect that anywhere that players commonly stand still would be a high risk area(waiting for someone to bring in Horodric staff, minions of baal, ect). Be careful out there you pubbie hc players.
I have often heard that the PK will often help someone(s) through an act, and then after killing an act boss will ask their target a question that will require a little typing. While their target is typing, they launch the attack, and trigger to town/hostile. It gives them a much better shot at succces if their target is distracted and unmoving.
I suspect that anywhere that players commonly stand still would be a high risk area(waiting for someone to bring in Horodric staff, minions of baal, ect). Be careful out there you pubbie hc players.