How well does Charge work in 1.10?
Charge is serius bugged.

It looks like that the bug occurs when trying to charge while in hitrecovery or when out of mana. Result is getting frozen in place.

Most of the times using weaponswitch resolve it. But not always, and the exit is only choice. So basicly charge is out off the question in hardcore, and really annoying else.

Still charge is a ok fun party skill, having its funktions and role in a team.
One of the interesting things is that the synergys makes wearing a damage aura less important, giving a much more free role in letting an aura making the differense for a party!

A charger is one of the best characters (besides a ranged ) to apply prevent monster heal and such effects to a lot af targets and then let the party take them down!

Old practice sense recommend a short range weapon to minimize the instances where a charge fail because a target is in reach! I have personal not decided on this as it looks to me as big weapon reach makes for some charge and hit everything situations, but I might be serius wrong here. It might as well depend on playstyle, as I have developed the custom to nearly always back off, or go for the next target, instead of rehitting the same monster.

Messages In This Thread
How well does Charge work in 1.10? - by LucianDK - 11-10-2003, 07:52 AM
How well does Charge work in 1.10? - by jondifool - 11-10-2003, 11:23 AM

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