Yeah the quality of drops have been alot higher than the norm of 1.09. It seems that you don't need much magic find to achieve the same results from act bosses. The reason why I'm toting 200 mf is mainly because I can without sacrificing alot of life/killing speed and opening chests on the way or killing unique guys with damage auras is a bit of a habit of mine. I'm guessing you haven't had much trouble on the way to Mephisto because of the amount of DR you're using. I tried it with my 99 Barbarian, setup with SS, GF, etc and the run wasn't hard at all. So yeah... all I got to do now is to run Mephisto until he drops me that Gold Monarch :D and then it's happy safe times for runs hehehe.
Ohh another thing. I realised using that Crainte Vomir (upgraded version) is actually quite a godsend vs anything that should be difficult 1 to 1 mainly because of the slow target by 35%. I had no idea Mephisto was attacking so fast until I switched to the Doombringer which hardly did any damage to him even though it statistically says it does nearly double my Legend Sword. I think it's the crushing blow on my gloves that let me get some decent damage off him. By the way what's the damage on your frozen orbs? To take him out sooo quickly you must be toting alot of +skills hehe. It takes me like 45 seconds of swinging and battle crying to take him down. :blink:
One last note, it looks like every hit I make is a critical strike (ie. I see that yellow flash) but the damage doesn't seem to be that great, so is this a display bug? or is the mastery bug still in? Because my percent for critical is only near 20% and there's no way every hit should register a yellow spark on strike.
Ah yeah and Caaroid, I only realised the connection to the starting room and the exit room when my friend told me about the trick to Worldstone Level 2 (and this is after doing Mephisto for so long :lol:) which is basically the same deal as Durance EXCEPT it's on the opposite direction. So, NE is to SE and SE is to SW etc.
Ohh another thing. I realised using that Crainte Vomir (upgraded version) is actually quite a godsend vs anything that should be difficult 1 to 1 mainly because of the slow target by 35%. I had no idea Mephisto was attacking so fast until I switched to the Doombringer which hardly did any damage to him even though it statistically says it does nearly double my Legend Sword. I think it's the crushing blow on my gloves that let me get some decent damage off him. By the way what's the damage on your frozen orbs? To take him out sooo quickly you must be toting alot of +skills hehe. It takes me like 45 seconds of swinging and battle crying to take him down. :blink:
One last note, it looks like every hit I make is a critical strike (ie. I see that yellow flash) but the damage doesn't seem to be that great, so is this a display bug? or is the mastery bug still in? Because my percent for critical is only near 20% and there's no way every hit should register a yellow spark on strike.
Ah yeah and Caaroid, I only realised the connection to the starting room and the exit room when my friend told me about the trick to Worldstone Level 2 (and this is after doing Mephisto for so long :lol:) which is basically the same deal as Durance EXCEPT it's on the opposite direction. So, NE is to SE and SE is to SW etc.