Have any other Lurkers played Morrowind?
roguebanshee,Nov 7 2003, 12:45 PM Wrote:Think this spell can do anything about those packs?
Actually...no. Cast that on five Riekling Raiders and the odds are that it fails on three of them. From my experience shooting firebloom arrows at them, it feels more like 80 points of reflect than 60, but even at 60 it's quite an obstacle. Even if it works, it only takes a little under half their life. During those twenty secondsMeanwhile, they're charging at you (and they're quick). High Elf/Atronach at least gets around the magicka problem, but you still have to cast while Rieklings are shooting arrows at you, and then run from the packs, as I said, across half of Solstheim while you hope your spell works or even if it does, it's forty seconds to kill them, and they can cover a lot of ground in forty seconds. You almost have to. At roughly 50 damage a pop, three hits would do for your character easily.

As for fighters, keep in mind that my warrior with a Daedric nodachi (dai-k, with mod, but same stats) fully enchanted with Absorb Health can inflict roughly 250 damage per hit, pulling back fully and striking once every, say, one and a half seconds. In the twenty seconds that your spell is inflicting 200 damage on, say, six targets, for a total of 1200 damage in 20 seconds, I strike with a two-handed sword 13 times doing 3250 damage. You'd have to hit seventeen targets for that spell to outdo my damage output. Even without an enchanted weapon, say Chrysamere or Umbra, it's 180 or so damage per hit.

The thing about spells is that the damage listed is the damage you do, whereas for weapons, the damage on the weapon is base damage, further modified by skill in the weapon, level, and strength. Fighters of equivalent level and skill can always dish out more damage than spellcasters; just without the flashy lights, and mostly just one at a time (even though it's faster).

And I noticed, of the other spells of your list, just how many are Absorb Health. Life Drain, Life Force Leech, Life Sucker, Mega Drain...well, that's all Absorb. Kinda takes away from the fun of spellcasting when the game is so balanced against mages that you have to constantly reuse the one unreflectable offensive spell.

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Have any other Lurkers played Morrowind? - by Skandranon - 11-07-2003, 04:46 PM

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