11-04-2003, 07:40 PM
MEAT,Nov 4 2003, 07:03 PM Wrote:1.) Does anybody know which monsters are spawnable (per act, per difficulty) or where I could find this information?Go to the Phrozen Keep and get hold of D2Excel and the current text files. The spawnable monsters are in levels.txt and there's a pinned file guides thread
Thanks for any replies ahead of time. Just for kicks, I'll make another post on this thread with the first part of my guide so you can see how its coming along.
(That's a bit of work but you'll be glad once you have done it, having the txt files at your finger tips is useful for us enthusiasts :) )
Quote: I'm attempting to make a table that lists percents at the top of the chart (from 95%, 90%, 85%, etc. all the way to 50%) and acts per difficulty on the left column. The center boxes will tell you how much defense you need for a 95%, 90%, 85%, etc. defense rate against any monster in that area (except for Super uniques). Super Uniques will be in ( ) next to the number inside the box.
The attack ratings of the monsters are in the text files. The to hit calculation is on the Arreat Summit I think. Sounds like quite a lot of maths
Quote:3.) A list of all the possible sub-classes for 1.1
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean like Defiant, Vindicator, Blaze Babe and so on? In that case the answer is effectively incalculable because people are always coming up with new combinations. Suppose I make a Bash/Find Item Barb and call it a Mugger?
Quote:4.) Finally, the level and experience of monsters so I can make a Level Progression table. On the top row, it will have Below Average, Average, and Above Average. On the row to the left it will have the acts and difficulties. The table will basically help players see what level they are currently and where the best spot would be too level-up for them.
Monster levels are in monstats.txt
It took me about a week to work out how to use D2Excel and get a feel for what all the files meant, but then again I'm not the sharpest tool in the box ;)