I'm too busy to be this addicted,
A verdict has been reached, on some things.

First of all, rather quickly I decided that I don't particularly care how viable the Necro is, or if I waste points. I'll just do whatever I want with it, and see how far I can get along.

So, Biff_Boneson, the bone only Necromancer. No curses, no minions. Not even poison, unless I really ending up needing it. No mercs either.

My first thought was Bone Spirit and Corpse Explosion, like I said earlier. But without minions, that could be difficult to pull off. The monsters could swarm a bit much to be able to pack 'em into CE range easily. Also, I planned to use bone armor, so that I might actually have a chance of getting to bone spirit. But, since that gets some major bonuses from the bone wall/prison skills, I thought I'd check those out. I inadvertently used Bone Wall to great effect, once, with Dead_Arthas, and I remembered the occasion. I thought that it might be nice to have something between me and the monsters until I've picked off a couple, allowing for effective CE.

So, Bone Armor and Bone Wall. The synergies should keep 'em both pretty strong, if I continue pumping in points.

Whenever a situation gets messy, which may well be every situation later on, I pull up a wall and retreat behind it. Toss a few spirits and then CE the hell out of everything.

But, the one problem I'm having with this so far, is that I really don't want to rely on melee and level 1 skills until Bone Spirit, my first major attack spell.

So, I thought that because I had cut out the cursing and summoning trees, I had a few extra points from all those lost prerequisites, and that you really don't need more than ten points in CE, and decided I could do with some Bone Spear as well. That could cut out some annoyance, and the synergy should improve Bone Spirit some.

On that note, I really don't want to rely on melee and level 1 skills until level 18, either. I've done that way too often, and it's getting a bit tired to run around whacking weak things with weak weapons, just because I haven't whacked enough things to allow me to kill them in a more interesting way.

Also, I've now got a sorceress named Tiamat. My first thoughts for something new were a weird skill and a spammable skill, because spell timers annoy me.

Main skill: Blaze. After reading some of Sirian's character reports, I gained much respect for this skill, and its ability to deal with pretty much anything, except for fire immunes, obviously. It's weird because you run away to kill things, pretty much.

After that, I thought about the lightning and cold spam skills. The only real option I could come up with, without a whole lot of synergy usage, was Glacial Spike. And thus it was.

Any comments or advice would be appreciated. And all the questions from the earlier post, that I didn't adress in this one, are still up for some answers, if anyone would like to provide.

Thanks for any help you may provide.

Messages In This Thread
I'm too busy to be this addicted, - by Brista - 11-03-2003, 05:44 PM
I'm too busy to be this addicted, - by Bob the Beholder - 11-04-2003, 01:20 AM
I'm too busy to be this addicted, - by whyBish - 11-04-2003, 06:25 AM

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