Have any other Lurkers played Morrowind?
Well, I played a bit, and it did seem to work retroactively (at least, I don't remember my domina boots having a rating of 7 beforehand). I definitely felt the weight pinch too, as I like to clean up bodies after me (disposing of them and then dropping any gear not valuable enough to keep/sell in a nearby crate) and some of the NPCs I've run into have so much crap that just picking it all up over-encumbers me (with all my miscellaneous crap I'm usually at 83/210 or so when I leave town).

Killed a flame atronach with a single application of my Freezing Touch spell earlier. Guess they only have 50hp after all. That felt good. B) Also looted a daedric shortsword from a dremora lord, which is heavy as hell but does awesome damage and (I hear, at least) has good enchantment potential. That's good, 'cuz I have 10+ grand soulgems and at least 20 greater ones burning holes in my chest at home.

I think my problem is my total health. I'm level 19 with 120hp. It seems that if you take more than a certain percent of your total health in damage from one blow, you go into the stagger and/or fall animation. I'm running into things (NPCs with claymores, Winged Twilights, Dremora Lords) who can consistently stagger-lock me, which is no fun. Not sure exactly what I can do about it, since my armor skills are all low and I can't yet cast a really powerful shield spell (I have a 15-point one now, but it doesn't seem to help too much). I could try the sanctuary effect (which I think would stack with the 14 points I get from unarmored), but my illusion skill is pitifully low (20, IIRC).

Ah, well. C'est la vie.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

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Have any other Lurkers played Morrowind? - by WarLocke - 11-01-2003, 09:41 PM

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