Have any other Lurkers played Morrowind?
Quote: Warlocke.. for valuable loot, make sure to check out the Vaults of each House (Redoran, Hlaalu, Telvanni) in Vivec.

That's a bit too over-the-line for me. Looting ancestral tombs and dungeons is one thing (after all, the loot doesn't "belong" to anyone but the monsters...), but lifting someone else's possessions is just flat-out stealing, and Linel's no thief.

That's part of the reason I'm always having monetary difficulties. Oh, and refusing to use the scamp or mudcrab doesn't help either, I imagine. :P
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Have any other Lurkers played Morrowind? - by WarLocke - 10-31-2003, 05:06 PM

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