Griefing suspision: The new 1.10 bonewall...
MongoJerry,Oct 30 2003, 12:29 AM Wrote:Since characters can no longer attack bone walls and prisons
I saw this statement made many times during beta. It is not strictly true. Many methods of attack that previously harmed bone walls now ignore them, but not all (as of v1.10s--sorry, I'm too busy ATM to test everything in v1.10 release).

Nonetheless, bone walls/prisons could indeed be a major "grief" spell. But, like Everquest, there are already so many ways for players to agrieve one another you really must be willing to fall back on the old "I'm not playing if you're around" solution from time to time. YMMV.
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Griefing suspision: The new 1.10 bonewall... - by Crystalion - 10-30-2003, 04:09 AM

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