The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards
Have you considered using ravens? I've been doing no-twink, no assist to level 8 runs (players = 1) and seem to be around 25 minutes (comparable to some of the other results) using a similar build. I did a number of runs with different skill layouts. I'm converging on my third and fourth skill points go into ravens (fifth is lycanthropy) and rest are for ravens. I do the Den of Evil for the extra skill point (it also has a nice monster density). I usually run to the cold plains waypoint (kill anything in the way) and then either backtrack or return to camp to do do the den (depending on which way is closer). I TP back to camp at the end (I take the chance to dump some loot to buy a belt and good ax) before taking the waypoint to the cold plains.

One point in ravens isn't that great, but when I get to 2 points (level 4) they're effective (one hit kills on nuisances) and they seem to stay that way as I dump the rest of my points in them. I've been considering trying it as first two points in ravens and then getting the wolf, lycantrhopy and then poison creeper. I don't find the oak sage to be very useful (I find enough healing potions in the field to just use them as necessary, in a very D1esqe combat style). Also, by level 5, I don't need any more strenght, so I dump all remaining stat points into health.

One point in wolf and one in lycanthropy work well, but I didn't find that big of a benifit to add more points (I do need to look at the speed break points for the ax to check the behavior).

The killing is roughly 50% wolf, 25% creeper and 25% ravens, so they seem to give me something like a net 20% kill rate increase after accounting for the loss from the lower wolf/lycanthropy).

I'm currently up in the air about doing Bloodraven to get a rogue...

I've also recently started thinking about an extra point in poison creeper to insure that anything it poisons dies.
Ebony Flame

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The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards - by dkass - 10-15-2003, 04:39 AM

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