notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills
Phrozen Keep is down at the moment, so I cannot reference any article or posts from them at the momemnt. My understanding of NextHit and NextDelay is as follows however:

NextHit determines the minimum delay between two missile hits from the same character or monster

NextDelay determines the minimum delay between two hits of the same missile from the same character or monster. (Edit: I should expand this to include the "same cast" in cases where multiple missiles are released by a single skill casting)

Now that is a mouthful, so let us look at an example. blade creeper is the missile used by the Blade Sentinel skill. This missile has NextHit=1 and NextDelay=25.

The NextHit=1 value of blade creeper will ensure that no matter how many Blade Sentinels an Assassin has launched into the air, only one of them (implicit "one") may hit any single monster per 1 frame (explicit "1" from NextHit). If two different Assassins each launch a Blade Sentinel however, there is nothing that will restrict them from hitting the same monster in the same frame.

The NextDelay=25 value of blade creeper will ensure that once a Blade Sentinel hits a monster, that specific Blade Sentinel missile will not be able to hit the same monster again until 25 frames have passed. Notice here that there is nothing restricting another Blade Sentinel missile from hiting that same monster within these 25 frames, except for whatever constraints of the NextHit value.

There should not be any room for exploit here because the NextHit check is performed with each missile type of each character or monster, and the NextDelay check with each missile regardless of origin. You cannot ask another character to immunize you from missile damage since the NexHit and NextDelay restrictions for his missiles only apply to him. This should be how things worked in all previous version of D2, and I doubt Blizzard would break this in v1.10s.

The result of all this is that you shoudl be able to spam Blade Sentinel to good effect. While the ideal spamming missile should have NextHit=0 and NextDelay=0 (e.g. charged bolts), the restrictions on Blade Sentinel here will not have a significant impact on your performance due to other practical constraints such as your casting speed.

Edit: If you really wish to test this with Shock Web and Teeth, I would suggest you first increase Shock Web's NextDelay to some high value and significantly increase the damage of Teech. With how the monster health bars are updated, I wouldn't be surprised if most monsters look as if they are immune to Teech under normal circumstances.

Messages In This Thread
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by Zath - 10-06-2003, 09:14 AM
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by relight - 10-07-2003, 04:44 AM
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by Guest - 10-07-2003, 05:04 PM
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by Guest - 10-07-2003, 09:35 PM
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by Guest - 11-02-2003, 04:05 AM

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