10-05-2003, 08:36 PM
Ferengi,Oct 5 2003, 09:34 AM Wrote:HAs anyone figured out the "special " something yet? Given that it appears in the CubeMod, it is not realm only. Does anyone know how it might work with regards to experience when the level nerf is in effect?I think your're right, Ferengi. Nothing else but turning level 99 makes any sense for the world event. Note that in the original sample screenshot blizzard posted at the time they announced the world event, the character's experience bar shows nothing. Either the character just leveled or else died several times. But if the character had been less than 99 and just killed the diablo clone, I would have thought there would have been some little bit of experience showing on the bar.
PS. If no one knows the special something, I'll bet on achieving level 99.
I think the "selling Stones of Jordan" is a red herring. Perhaps, somehow, a lot of SoJ's drop when the quest is completed? If the act of selling the stones to a vendor triggered the quest, do you think blizzard would have told us??
In preparation for testing this theory I have a level 98 character who needs two experience points to level. She has been bored out of her mind, doing nothing for the past few months. She is tweaked to the best of my ability and prepared to meet the clone.
I'm still working on merc tweaking. My current thinking is the best weapon for an act V merc to face the clone would be a Malice sword, either a phase blade or a legend sword. That or a four Eth/Mal/Um phase blade.
Does anyone know whether in 1.10 the open wounds effect is reduced if applied by a hireling?
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."