Technical questions surrounding a build
adamantine,Sep 29 2003, 12:41 PM Wrote:fire golems don't though(i haven't checked under many resist configs, so i could be wrong) get fire immune from summon resist, i'm guessing their resist property(100-absorb=fire resist) overrides the summon resist one.
Various Golem tidbits and questions...

0. Golems seem to have a base of 0 resist, with no difficulty modification, except BGs which have 50% resist poison

0a. yes, this means BGs with summon resist of slvl 6 (50%) achieve immunity to poison (doesn't display as such)

0b. btw, though BGs now work "right" w.r.t. life stealing/IM etc. and thus are wimper than ever, it is still kinda neat that
you can drink healing potions and have them immediately healed (25% effectiveness, even if you're at full HPs)

0c. Salvation can give 100%+ resist all quite easily, so a Paly with Stone runeword body armor could probably summon a clay golem and make it triple immune. Naturally a Paly/Necro party has potential here. There doesn't seem to be a new uber item/runeword with Salvation (or any of the other resist auras?)

1. Iron Golems made from an automod resist all Paladin shield socketed with perfect diamonds can achieve poison and elemental immunity. Of course, if you're going to have 100% Salvation, you could use some form of emeralds in a regular shield (e.g. 2 perfs and a regular) instead for quad immune. Summon Resist also "cheapens" the requirements. Perhaps you want to go over 100%, given Conviction bosses and also Ruvanal's psuedo-healing discovery.

1a. IGs made from 2h weapons reportedly lose their base damage (taking only the 2h weapon damage)

1b. gambling circlets/coronets is nice in general... you might re-consider "wasted" gambles for their potential to be made into useful IGs

1c. presumably, since it is easy to buy daggers with ITD, this would be a great candidate for enchanted IGs, to largely ignore the AR/DR debate for massive +fire delivery. Another thought, since Eths are pretty common, is to socket four of them into a weapon (which will also help, apparently, v1.10, vs. bosses etc.). Even though Eths are common, if your IG is dying very much, shop buying ITD weapons is going to be more reliable. If IGs can be made out of claws, then perhaps the Anya shop red-pindle-portal reset method might be the most time efficient (for ITD acquisition). Not sure.

2. ?are IGs recreated at caster clvl for new games, or forever stuck at their original mlvl assigned when summoned long ago?

3. Fire Golem resists...

3a. the fire resist of 100-absorb is, afaik, a personal aura, and so acts as a bonus to fire resist (which will be equal to the summon resist, if any). Assuming absorb works as I once understood it to work, this calls for further comment...

3b. afaik absorb% will calc before resist, remove some damage, and add it to life (now, when your life is possibly full and the overflow gets discarded). Thus, if a hit doesn't kill you, having no resist and 50% absorb is psuedo-immunity.

3c. If a level 1 FG absorbs 36% and has no summon resist at all, for a base of 0% fire resist, then the aura presumably gives 64% resist fire... a 100 fire hit would then probably do: 100 - 36% = 64 pending fire damage; 36 (wasted healing); 64 * (1 - 0.64) = ~41 points of damage. If we repeat this, the 36 healing slows down the damage to a crawl, but doesn't eliminate it. Therefore I will conduct such a test, first trivially turning off Golem regen in monstats.txt, to see if the result agrees with this theory.

3d. if the theory is correct, then failing to have summon resist or a salvation (perhaps the resist fire aura from a paly, being stronger, would overwrite?) is bad, because the bonus to fire resist is dropping as the absorb goes up. In other words, Fire golems at slvl 20 and 88% absorb can die *more* easily to fire, because their resist (sans SR or Paly help) to fire is only 12%, so the damage that makes it past absorb pretty much hits them full force. If you don't see this yet, imagine having an slvl 1 FG with a mod so that they had only 0% absorb at that point... they'd have 100% fire resist therefore, and would be immune. Immune. Period. No possibility of a huge fire hit killing them. I can test for this, of course, when I test for 3c.
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Messages In This Thread
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 01:56 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 02:02 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Zath - 09-25-2003, 08:17 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 04:05 PM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Guest - 09-29-2003, 12:50 PM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Crystalion - 09-30-2003, 12:27 AM

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