09-29-2003, 08:36 AM
![[Image: Maldar5_pah7.jpg]](http://www.idiom.com/~gmonsen/diablo/Maldar5_pah7.jpg)
I had tried to use the "cast a bunch of bone prisons and tp to town and back trick" in the past and it never quite worked in the Frozen River. The ghosts there move fast enough that it's hard to get to town before they fly out of the bone prisons field, and they hit hard enough that they take down bone prisons quickly even when they do get caught. I needed to do something more.
I cast my 1+2 point clay golem in the middle of the bone prison field to give the ghosts something to target and also to make them slow down a tad. I then tp'd to town, cast a new clay golem, came back, cast decrepify on the ghosts, and booked it out of there. The ghosts managed to bust down one of the prisons and looked for a new target. However, they targeted the clay golem who lagged behind instead of me. By the time they took him down, I was long gone and the champion ghost pack was firmly ditched.
![[Image: Maldar5_pah8.jpg]](http://www.idiom.com/~gmonsen/diablo/Maldar5_pah8.jpg)
Now, it was time to take care of Frozenstein's mob. I again tried the "cast bone prisons on the ledge to distract the mob and then squeeze by it" trick. It had worked a couple of times before, but not this time. Frozenstein himself was on the outside of the pack and blocked my path.
![[Image: Maldar5_pah9.jpg]](http://www.idiom.com/~gmonsen/diablo/Maldar5_pah9.jpg)
So, I kept his pack Dim Visioned and let the bone prison fall. Now that the bone prison wasn't distracting him, Frozenstein charged me, and I was able to park him safely away from everything (although I just noticed that he was Teleportation enchanted. That could've made things interesting).
![[Image: Maldar5_pah10.jpg]](http://www.idiom.com/~gmonsen/diablo/Maldar5_pah10.jpg)
I returned to his minions and using Bone Prison (as a distraction), Dim Vision, and Terror, I made a path through them and squeezed by. Once I did, I threw up a ton of bone prisons and rescued the damsel in distress.
Ah... I had finally conquered the ghosts. What will your adventures be like?