Repost: An Idea for Diablo 3
Farnham Returns, and with a Vengeance!

He did not die in the assault on Tristram: Farnham was lying by the river, under the rushes just south of Wirt's item emporium, trying to drink water through a reed that had been soaked in Whiskey for thre y ears: he was short on money and Ogden had cut off his credit at the time of the attack. Tyrael and the heroes have left a wake of destruction behind them in their vengeance against the demons, but that is not the kind of Wake that Farnham cares for: They forgot to bring the whiskey, blast it!

Farnham, when he sobers up about four months after Tristam falls, finds a new world that has turned upside down, and he is shattered. Gillian is dead along with Ogden and Griswold, and Wirt is chum for the catfish in the river. Adria, who had the world's best hangover potions, was crucified for her efforts. Farnham sets out in search of a decent bottle of whiskey and an accounting from The Powers that Be.

Along the way, he pursues with a vengeance the re-establishment of bars throughout the world of Sanctuary and the re-emergence of The Wake as a required part of any death rite or ceremony. But this is all window dressing for his real aim: revenge against the demons who killed Adria and who ruined Ogden's Tavern, and who forced him to sober up for the first time in 25 years!

The Player Characters pursue quests that move the story forward. Finnegan is their guide, Farnham their high level, and high as a kite, inspiration a la Tyrael. Players have to establish Desert Rain franchises for Atma, who allies with Farnham swiftly after a quest is completed, and enable the establishment of chapters of the Scions of Farnham in each new area encountered. Failure to promote imbibing degrades their rep and incurs the wrath of Farnham: the dreaded Whiskey and Cigar Breath of Death! Some quests include getting valuable barrels of whiskey through dangerous mountain passes and dense swamps in an effort to establish yet another bar so that a man can go from one end of Sanctuary to another and always be within a days walk of a drinking establishment. Sort of like the Camino Real or the California Mission Trail, but more along the lines of Camino Mezcal! :)

The final encounter with Belial and Azmodan is the ultimate Bar Room Brawl, taking place in a Valhalla-esque location called the Gotterdaemerung Tavern. (No one get's in who is not wearing a hat, while magic and resistance is strangely warped by the Tavern's aura.)

Player titles for completing Normal, NM, and Hell Diff will be:


Potions included will allow players to feel no pain, to fall great distances without getting hurt, and to "wax eloquent" at will regardless of what they actually type.

After the defeat of the Primest of Evils, a Secret Intemperance level will open up when you mix a drinking potion, Atma's Bloomers, and a Town Portal tome in the Cube. It will be filled with Harpies armed with hatchets, whose Queen, Susan B Anthony (normal) or Carrey Nation,(NM) or the King Elliot Ness, (Hell) will lead them in their frenzied assault on the players. Farnham must survive the encounter or you don't get the quest reward. Their Prohibition curse is fearsome indeed, as it renders indifferent effects of any potion.

The Spirits of Farnham: Look for it in an EB near you soon, as in, by the time the bnet kiddies are old enough to drink.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

Messages In This Thread
Repost: An Idea for Diablo 3 - by Obi2Kenobi - 08-17-2003, 07:36 AM
Repost: An Idea for Diablo 3 - by Premezilla - 08-17-2003, 07:59 AM
Repost: An Idea for Diablo 3 - by Catflap - 08-27-2003, 09:40 PM
Repost: An Idea for Diablo 3 - by MachX - 09-25-2003, 09:50 AM
Repost: An Idea for Diablo 3 - by Occhidiangela - 09-26-2003, 04:33 PM
Repost: An Idea for Diablo 3 - by kier - 10-09-2003, 11:30 AM
Repost: An Idea for Diablo 3 - by NiteFox - 10-09-2003, 11:59 AM

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