Technical questions surrounding a build
Quote:Forget DV, Confuse is far superior now.  Think of it as an instant army of unlimited size.
I understand the point. Indeed a comparision listing which monsters are immune to blind vs. which are immune to confuse would be useful.
Quote:Why disable that wonderful new fire attack when it can work for you instead.
Because, unlike converts, confused monsters can, even if only inadvertently, hurt you--for example by arrows shooting all over the place vs. DV which silences them. While you are correct that the army is working for you, this is not very important in hell difficulty, where the ratio of the monsters HPs to damage output has become, as of v1.10, very large. If, OTOH, you are slumming, such as to level up a hireling, then in normal (where it doesn't really matter much) confuse will get monster deaths. Another interesting question raised by your thought is whether confuse, unlike DV, can actually activate more stuff off screen (beyond the confused--i.e. uncursed monsters engaging the cursed ones). An additional point would be that confuse therefore potentially "confuses" enemies that it doesn't (or even can't) confuse, because they might attack their confused comrades (e.g. Oblivion Knights are immune, but might get caught up in the general chaos and thus be rendered harmless nonetheless). Interesting considerations. Since Confuse can be acquired by proc (Delirium) there is also some potential for putting it on your merc and not having to cast it very often yourself.
Quote:+1 CE is enough with the necros usual +skills
Well, the thinking in this build would be to maximize kill speed, and unlike the post where I suggested a Barb can lure and stun monsters to group them tightly for CE, it is less demanding and quicker to assume you have the CE radius necessary to have "I see it, I CE it, I saw it (bye bye)".
Quote:Diablo was a bit of a problem, but IM and recast BG were able to survive
I'm under the impression from posts and the patch message that BGs no longer get the leech effect from IM. Something to double check.
Quote:Getting close to Baal will require
I'm not at all sure this build concept can be made to work well vs. act bosses or fire immunes. That still leaves a lot of territory, if the concept works well.
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Messages In This Thread
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 01:56 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 02:02 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Crystalion - 09-25-2003, 07:39 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Zath - 09-25-2003, 08:17 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 04:05 PM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Guest - 09-29-2003, 12:50 PM

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