Technical questions surrounding a build
I think I accidentally cancelled my reply. Ooops :-/


#1: Might would be far superior to Blessed Aim. Most of the To-Hit equation is clvl/mlvl, so as long as you aren't roaming far outside the curve you'll be fine. Plus, mercs are ITD so the aura wouldn't help one of your hardest hitting minions.

#2: The AI will hit whatever it was targetting once, and then target whatever has the highest threat level in your stack. So if you were on the front line, I think it would hit you once, and then target a skeleton or the golem or your merc

#4b: It was ~20% in 1.09, I don't see why that number would be changed.

#5: Both the monster and the merc will react instantly to your teleportation.

#6: As Pren said, knockback is pretty crappy for your setup as all your minions would have to relocate to get their next attack in.

#7: Teleport doesn't make the monster make a new decision

#8: Hirelings won't use charges or skills granted by items at all (Minus the ones that emit auras). Plus, hirelings are ITD so -monster def wouldn't help them at all.

#9: There are three attacks I can think of offhand that would be problematic. Baal's ice wedge and fire ring and Diablo's ring of fire. With the current (bugged?) skeleton regen rates, they can survive this quite easily. If the regen rates are changed (fixed?) however, these attacks may become problematic.

#10: Glooms would also be able to run through your army and will ignore bone prisons (they pierce, guess it doesn't matter). Confuse and Attract might also be viable ways of dealing with these monsters, as they'd be using the infernos/Lightnings on each other instead of you.

#11: LEs in 1.10 are much much less of a problem. You could do what you've described, or you could lifetap the LE and watch your minions roll over him.

#12: Remember that in 1.10 (at the moment, could change), RS is vastly superior to Skeleton Mastery. Maxing RS and then SM would be the best path if you have the points.

#13: A melee sorceress would work with this I think, even with the masteries not pumping elemental damage anymore. Her huge enchant bonus coupled with frost nova and static would make her quite effective. Plus you'd need no cross class skills to make her effective (Zeal would be nice, but not necessary). A shockbear could also be effective. I dunno, I'm not sure what the focus of the build is :P If you like CE a lot, I guess you could use Corpsemourne on any character and get the same kind of effect.

You also might want to get a rogue merc if you're concerned about AR problems. Not only will Inner Sight give more of a benefit to to-hit than Blessed Aim, she won't have to be in the front lines so she won't impede your minions.

I also don't recommend putting points in either revives or SM in 1.10's current condition, as they are greatly weaker than your golem, your skeletons, and your merc.

Messages In This Thread
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 01:56 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 02:02 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Snorelax - 09-25-2003, 04:11 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Zath - 09-25-2003, 08:17 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 04:05 PM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Guest - 09-29-2003, 12:50 PM

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