Technical questions surrounding a build
The only teleport amulet I've ever gambled was a rare that cost me 6507gp per charge. Without Enigma (or perhap's Nja's Staff of Screwing Over your Necromancer Skill Levels, if it's cheaper to recharge), the build is going to probably run into money issues, and having to constantly recharge in town will suck. Pretty much a build centered around an Enigma, I imagine. Which, is yet another item that turns an already strong skill into a godlike engine of destruction (see: bramble as another example.) There's no question that teleporting a single merc on top of something is an extremely effective killer, teleporting 20 minions or more on top of something should wreck it.

If you want skeletons to deal physical damage, i'd think that no less than max is required. Also, consider that everything will target lock on the thing you teleport by... and think of what that means when it comes to skeleton mage focus fire. Ranged Skeletons naturally turn and run when a foe approaches them (about half the time), but they might not do that in this case. Being able to turn 10 necrowarriors and 10 necromages all onto the same monster is gonna be like attacking with Vengeance. In fact, I really want somebody to test this. That'd be a really cool thing if it works.

As minions can't walk through eachother, I'd speculate a knockback weapon being very detrimental. Druid grizzlies push high life creatures across the entire map, and though hireling knockback would be less effective, it seems like trying to have your fingers in too many niceities... everything will be blind and or imprisoned, then slowed by decrepify and holy freeze, Is knockback really necessary? 99% likely they'll all de-stack and then select other targets or clump up trying to get to it.

edit: I don't see any other class pulling it off. 3 dire wolves do less damage than a grizzly, and no other class than those two get more than one combat minion+merc.

Hey, what happens if a paladin teleports with converts? Assassins don't teleport their mind blasted creatures with them when they dragon flight, so I'm guessing nothing.

And, naturally teleporting does not wipe you from npc aggression, it's just like walking as you speculated.
Dark_Mutterings (Necromancer)
Doug_Winger (Wearbear)
Heroic career and 1.10 aspirations cut tragically short because NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A 22.2K CONNECTION WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.

Messages In This Thread
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 01:56 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 02:02 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Zath - 09-25-2003, 08:17 AM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Pren - 09-25-2003, 04:05 PM
Technical questions surrounding a build - by Guest - 09-29-2003, 12:50 PM

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