Do you like the Resident Evil-series?
Ah, the infamous Wesker's Report 1. Capcom made and released in a vain attempt to answer several questions and close certain plotholes, but it wound up creating more than it was designed to address. Head on over to GameFAQs and download T. Wilde's/President Evil's Plot Analysis file (A mighty fine read, and one I recommend anyone with an interest in the series should look at) to see why it's disliked. Edit: I believe this is the file you're looking for WarLocke? You'll be pleased to know that the author still updates it regulary, and has just in fact completed the summary of Resident Evil: Dead Aim.

There was a second report, Wesker's Report 2, that was released on Capcom of Japan's site. Five sets of ten images of Wesker talking about his time in the Arklay labs, discussing the stories of Lisa Trevor and Alexia Ashford in particular. IMHO, it's a better report than the first report, even just because of the (Frankly disturbing) artwork. You can read a translated version at Resident Evil Horror.

Still, I would like to download the first report and see it for myself. No such luck on this connection, I'm gonna have to wait until I get back to university next month.

Edit 2: Ooh, ooh, Angel... You have some of the Resident Evil sound files? Any chance that you have The Final Form of G (I believe) And the operatic piece played as the Mr. X appears to the B-game character on the train platform after it has metamorphasised into a fully-fledged Tyrant? Been looking for them forever, or at least a way of converting the PC port's sound files into a playable version, with no luck either way.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386

Messages In This Thread
Do you like the Resident Evil-series? - by Raz - 09-22-2003, 12:15 AM
Do you like the Resident Evil-series? - by doppel - 09-22-2003, 03:29 AM
Do you like the Resident Evil-series? - by NiteFox - 09-22-2003, 05:53 PM

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