v1.10beta 100+ immunities acting as psuedo absorb:
Manaburn grants 75% magic resistance to the boss in question, strange that magic resistant doesn't grant magic resistance, but eh.

Manaburn bosses > bone spirit necro. Heh.

Technically, the way this works is good. In most games, immune creatures absorb damage. At least, 7 years ago they did. With the dumbing down of 'rpgs' and gaming in general, the trend has mostly stopped.

This adds in a bit of thinking and side effects to skill and equipment choice. Unfortunately, with the horrible balance of 1.10, it'll probably just be another enormous headache (as stated with venom and enchant.) There are so few truly functional builds in 1.10 without insane gear that while I would PREFER this as a method of increasing difficulty, with the lame ones we already have (so many boss packs, might enchanted extra strong stuff, holy freeze nerf, etc) it's probably too much.

Edit: forgot the first thing I thought of when CE was mentioned. This is an excellent way to reduce the effectiveness of scaling CE, which is going to be the number one killer in parties. slvl30 CE, very easy to acquire, would simply cause everything not fire and physical immune to drop within 4 corpses. In solo games, getting one corpse isn't hard. In party games, with the necro supplying curses and the uber bone prisons of 1.10s, it should not be very hard at all.
Dark_Mutterings (Necromancer)
Doug_Winger (Wearbear)
Heroic career and 1.10 aspirations cut tragically short because NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A 22.2K CONNECTION WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.

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v1.10beta 100+ immunities acting as psuedo absorb: - by Pren - 09-19-2003, 04:08 PM

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