v1.10beta 100+ immunities acting as psuedo absorb:
Quote:My observation on a melee sorceress in Act II Hell starts to make more sense now: I was healing that damned Burning Archer boss with every hit! 

MongoJerry's account of his 1.10 melee sorc(also using high enchant), mentions that he had a terrible time with 2 fire enchanted bosses- a council member and the cow king were fire enchanted, and took over 1/2 hour each to defeat. This seems like a likely explanation.

Question, how about a unique with magic resist(+ to all elemental resists), as well as enchantments. I'd assume both bonuses stack? Easy to push resists *very* high to one or more elements(even higher if the monster has a high base resist as well).

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v1.10beta 100+ immunities acting as psuedo absorb: - by Baajikiil - 09-19-2003, 10:33 AM

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