09-12-2003, 07:11 AM
Back around Xmas, when I was last active, I could put a new char in Hell Cows in an hour. The second computer doesn't need to be anything special, since the rushed char generally stands still in a specific spot during the rush. I used a laptop tweaked to minmize the processor load. I had 4 chars to rush, a sorc(1 of 3) of course, my big killer Fury PoleDruid, a legit WF MS zon with Atmas tweaked for pure damage, a rarely used Schaferdin, 3 staff mules and so much maze experience that I found stairways fast. There were fewer key points to hit, but one thing that is still overlooked is that the rushee does NOT have to be in Duriel's Chamber until after Duriel death and before anyone gets near the Angel. I could easily take parties of 4. To just get to NM Hellforge,it would be 20 minutes, mostly in overhead. Hmm, actually with the extras in Act2 (twice) add 10, say 6 for Council (twice), overhead, 40 minutes then. But I would need to experiment for a safe spot for rushee in NM Council. I used to do then for lvling when I got tired of Cow Wars, but otherwise I never rushed passed them.
I don't yet understand the new limitations imposed to prevent rushing, but the comments in this thread seem to indicate that the rushee needs to be around the Ancients. Unless Blizz puts a clvl limit on passing thru any portal to Baal, I sure people will get around the Ancients easily (i.e. I predict 1 hour before this limitation is broken and HOWTO knowledge spreading). In 1.09, I know that party members would not get Diablo credit when other party members succeeded, so it sounds like this has gotten broken.
If the clvl 20 limit actually holds, it is not a big deal. Sometimes, rather than going to Hell Cows, I'd take the rushee to Act3 at clvl 3 (usually was 2-3 after a rush). A Cold Wolf was all I needed, and I'd get a new one every clvl. At clvl 8, the Act2 sewers were sweet. I'd skip the Arcane and head straight for the Canyon whenever I thought the merc could handle it.
So I'd say a clvl 20 NM Hellforge was a 2 hour effort (and I bet that number can come down,as the Imbue number came down from first guesses). Once I had the Zon lvled enough, I tended to rely on her to kill anything the sorc didn't kill in a few casts -- which made the sorc primarily a Teleport source for the Zon (I never got a Teleport ammy , I watched for months). I liked to use the Druid against the D's in NM-Hell, but the Zon could do that (another trick is you can start firing an attack the moment you enter the hole--i.e. while the graphics load at Duriel). With a Runeword for teleport and rune cubing, much of the overhead can be discarded.
You can bootstrap this whole thing, feed Imbuers into NM Hellforge and eventually into Hell (with 2 more imbues and pick up Anya rewards). With Runeword power and nice rares, you will pass up the early ladder leaders [probably skill based]. You don't even need a round the clock team, you just need a big enough team. Gee I see all sorts of neat tricks in planning (getting better at detailed planning is why I play Diablo), a bummer that I need to work.
</mouth> I only stopped in for a moment!
I don't yet understand the new limitations imposed to prevent rushing, but the comments in this thread seem to indicate that the rushee needs to be around the Ancients. Unless Blizz puts a clvl limit on passing thru any portal to Baal, I sure people will get around the Ancients easily (i.e. I predict 1 hour before this limitation is broken and HOWTO knowledge spreading). In 1.09, I know that party members would not get Diablo credit when other party members succeeded, so it sounds like this has gotten broken.
If the clvl 20 limit actually holds, it is not a big deal. Sometimes, rather than going to Hell Cows, I'd take the rushee to Act3 at clvl 3 (usually was 2-3 after a rush). A Cold Wolf was all I needed, and I'd get a new one every clvl. At clvl 8, the Act2 sewers were sweet. I'd skip the Arcane and head straight for the Canyon whenever I thought the merc could handle it.
So I'd say a clvl 20 NM Hellforge was a 2 hour effort (and I bet that number can come down,as the Imbue number came down from first guesses). Once I had the Zon lvled enough, I tended to rely on her to kill anything the sorc didn't kill in a few casts -- which made the sorc primarily a Teleport source for the Zon (I never got a Teleport ammy , I watched for months). I liked to use the Druid against the D's in NM-Hell, but the Zon could do that (another trick is you can start firing an attack the moment you enter the hole--i.e. while the graphics load at Duriel). With a Runeword for teleport and rune cubing, much of the overhead can be discarded.
You can bootstrap this whole thing, feed Imbuers into NM Hellforge and eventually into Hell (with 2 more imbues and pick up Anya rewards). With Runeword power and nice rares, you will pass up the early ladder leaders [probably skill based]. You don't even need a round the clock team, you just need a big enough team. Gee I see all sorts of neat tricks in planning (getting better at detailed planning is why I play Diablo), a bummer that I need to work.
</mouth> I only stopped in for a moment!