09-11-2003, 07:27 PM
Quote:crushing blow damage doesn't scale with players, or is penalized in some wayI personally think Corpse Explosion should continue to not scale with players. I don't think CB not scaling eliminates it as a good thing to have. I generally look for "effective" as opposed to "uber/exploit" techniques.
Quote:"elemental pierce" mod is the chance your attack will completely ignore the targets lightning resist, no matter if they're immune or notWhoa! Really?! When/where was this discovered/discussed? If it's that way for release, that puts a whole new complexion on things. And, of course, pretty much cements the prior argument that Crescent Moon is overpowered for its difficulty of acquisition.
Quote:also lastly, against a target with 50% block, you can count the attacks per minute as half, and that's where block ignoring CB applying skills(hmm, only smite is it?) shine.I too, have always been a Smite partisan. However, iirc, javazon's Lightning Bolt is also auto-hit, ignoring block (and transmits CB). Guided Arrow is auto-hit and transmits CB, but I don't know if it ignores Blocking. In any event, Smite is probably the only auto-hit Block ignoring *melee* (i.e. no ranged CB penalty) applicator (now that, for example, blast effects like exploding arrow don't apply CB--or any effects, for that matter).