Questions about necromancer!
This question is for the patch 1.09

Being the stubborn freak that I am, I decided to make the Bowazon that I proposed earlier, but it fell through. Sigh. This has taught me to listen to advice from the Lurkers.

1) How much damage do Skeletal Mages do with a maxxed Skeletal Mastery?

2) How does the damage from the weapon affect the damage of the damage of the Iron Golem?

3) If lets say I revive the minions of a extra fast boss, do they stay enchanted with their enhanced speed?

Thats all I have to ask.
Pirate 1: We've come to the edge of the world!!!
Pirate 2: Pay up, it's flat.
-- Sinbad, Legend of the Seven Seas

Messages In This Thread
Questions about necromancer! - by NeoLunar - 09-11-2003, 02:17 AM
Questions about necromancer! - by Shade - 09-11-2003, 09:45 AM

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