09-01-2003, 11:02 PM
Quote:Do not max Meditation. Put 5 points into it and get +Combat skill items. I am level 64 and have about +10 Combat skills. Gambling on circlets and ammys get you some, and shop running gets you +3 swords and shields easily (I just bought a +3 Combat shield). That's enough to sustain constant HB, help your party, and have a huge radius.Maxing meditation isn't all that bad an idea. It's about going all out to be a party aider... the cost of which would of course be the amount of damage you can inflict but usually that wouldn't be a major problem in parties.
With maxed meditation, that would take up around 70 skill points already (3 maxed skills and abt 10 prerequisites and 1-point wonders). You could spend whatever remains to get a mid level FoH for some minor lightning damage coupled with some fun party healing via FoH bolts. Alternatively, you could get the points into smite/holy shield which when coupled with a little bit of crushing blow is quite a reasonable source of damage as well.
It's just a matter of how far you want to take the concept of party-aiding at the cost of self. With 5 meditation, a lot of builds will like you. With 20+ (probably end up with 25+) meditation, those builds will love you :D .