Umm... Doesn't the Stormeye require level 30 even in its normal form?

Anyway, that doesn't answer question about Spire of Honor... But a thought comes to mind. Exceptional version (lance) requires lvl 25 to be used, but the unique Spire of Honor requires level 39. Thus there are some additional levels required for a unique version of the lance. So perhaps this additional level requirement is being partially added to the base level requirement of the War Pike somehow? I'm really not sure here, but if anything, I am surprised that the level requirement for the unique elite version is not higher then 73, since exceptional Spire of Honor unique requires 14 levels more then it's exceptional non-unique counterpart, and the elite Spire of Honor requires only 7 levels more then it's elite non-unique counterpart.

It would be great if someone could look into cube recipies file and actually produce the real formula that calculates the level of the new unique.

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Warning - by DSTheHermit - 09-01-2003, 05:09 PM
Warning - by lemekim - 09-01-2003, 06:16 PM
Warning - by adeyke - 09-01-2003, 06:42 PM
Warning - by DSTheHermit - 09-01-2003, 08:01 PM

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