Upgrading unique weapons seems to increase the level requirement beyond what one would expect for the base item type. For example, upgrading Stormeye made it require level 30, although Divine Sceptres are 25. Furthermore, upgrading Spire of Honour makes it level 73 as opposed to 66. As such, I think it would be safe to compile a list of required levels of upgraded normal/exceptional uniques so as to avoid nasty surprises like I got when I upgraded the Spire shortly after my merc hit 72...

That level sucked, so sayeth The Hermit.

"My shadow's shedding skin, I've been picking my scabs again." Tool - Forty-Six and Two

Edit - 35, not 30. Duh.

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Warning - by DSTheHermit - 09-01-2003, 05:09 PM
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