Crafting Caster Boots
I'm not sure exactly what qlvl stands for. Quality level? It's just the level of a type of item. Items with a high qlvl drop later in the game.

alvl is the affix level. It's calculated from the ilvl and qlvl of an item. The affixes have an alvl requirement. The Ruby prefix (30-40% fire res), for example, spawns only on boots with alvl of 25 or higher.

The ilvl of a crafted item is equal to floor(clvl * .5) + floor(ilvl * .5). So if you're clvl 81 and have an ilvl 76 item as input, the ilvl will be floor(81 * .5) + floor (76 * .5) = 40 + 38 = 78.

Messages In This Thread
Crafting Caster Boots - by Vash - 08-22-2003, 06:12 PM
Crafting Caster Boots - by adeyke - 08-22-2003, 06:24 PM
Crafting Caster Boots - by Vash - 08-22-2003, 06:29 PM
Crafting Caster Boots - by adeyke - 08-22-2003, 06:35 PM

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