Quirks/features of Exploding Arrow (bows)
Because I've been playing around with the beta and also studying rushing I've bumped into one of my old favorite topics, Exploding Arrow, a few times, and some of what I've heard/tested may be of interest...

In past versions I really liked the unique Raven Claw and Kuko Shakaku because (you could give them to Rogue hirelings and) they converted (no mana cost) regular arrow shot into Exploding Arrows that had blast auto-hit with transmission of effects. This was so good that in some cases it was silly (e.g. Rattlecage + Howltusk).

When the patch beta came out I was disappointed to learn that (most/all?) blast radius skills have removed effect transmission, although the wisdom of such a change is clear to me (--"oh well, was fun while it lasted").

Someone here (FA zon, e.g.) can probably confirm whether "on striking" and "when stuck" procs activate solely by the blast (FA, EA, Dragon Tail,...) as I haven't gotten around to testing that myself.

But I have confirmed that +fire damage adders are carried into EA's blast. This means, if your arrow hits your target (the blast will always trigger and hit, even if your arrow misses or is blocked), that your +fire damage adders work at twice effectiveness (the hit and the blast).

That's pretty nice.

"But wait, there's more!..."

The various bows in the game actually bump you up a bit in the skill level they use as well...
(this is not affected by +skill or your native skill, if you're a zon)

(fire damage of EA for level shown in parentheses...)
Raven Claw: level 3 EA (12-16)
Kuko Shakaku: level 7 (32-36) plus (40-180) (you see why this is a fav for Rogue Mercs)
Hellcast: level 5 (22-26) plus (15-35)
Demon Machine: level 6 (27-31)
Blood Raven's Charge: level 13 (72-81)

I didn't list the stats of those bows or the +AR% for the level of the EA but you can easily look those up.
(and you need to, as the "lying character screen" ™ won't clue you in on any of this for the "normal" attack you'll be doing that is converted into EA)

"But wait, there's more!..."

As tested v1.10s LAN pvp, your Fire Arrow skill points do indeed synergize the EA granted from the Bow (+12% of base EA damage per base skill in FA). So a zon with maxed Fire Arrow will get +240% of 32-36 from a Kuko.

I am guessing, but have not tested, that a Fire Arrow Rogue will therefore get additional damage from Synergy to using Raven Claw or Kuko Shakaku but, if my tests with my Shadow Warrior getting synergy to Death Sentry from *my* Fire Blast (+shots/3) is an indication, this could be totally up in the air.

"But wait, there's more!..."

Under v1.10 you can upgrade uniques. So you could elite a Kuko (or even a Raven Claw, haha) to get decent base phys damage.

"But wait, there's more!..."

I was considering saving this until I finally publish all my tidbits from my study of Rushing, but it is appropriate to mention here that v1.10 Enchant is an uber skill. To wit, it is very very worthwhile to make a Sorc build whose primary purpose is blessing others with max synergy L20 Warmth to maxed Enchant with maxed Fire Mastery. Such a character can bless you (with common +skills equip) for thirteen minutes, with a huge bonus to AR and ~1000 fire damage. The blessee has *no* level/str/etc. requirement to receive this blessing. And it is +fire, as discussed above, so it adds in to both the arrows *and* splash of the Exploding Arrow.

If you are drooling already, I should perhaps mention that Raven Claw has a clvl req of 15. If you get your rogue hireling to level 15, give them a Raven Claw, and get blessed, your only remaining problem is acquiring monsters (fast enough) for her to blow away.

(Naturally one of the focuses of my rushing research includes xp rushing *other* than by enchant, since a enchant-bless-drone Sorc is a rather unbalanced build and you need 62 skill points to complete the build, possible at level 51 at the earliest).

Since money is "free" (relatively speaking) another possibility if you haven't dropped an EA unique bow is to pay for charges (annoyingly only 30 charges, so, even with weapon switch, frequently $pendy town recharge trips--and clvl req of 26, afaik...charges of Multishot might be more practical for this concept).

Of course, the enchant by itself, added to whatever attack type you prefer, as long as it carries it (I'm afraid the auto-hit skills: Smite and zon Lightning Bolt do not; but Guided Arrow does!) is killer, relatively speaking. Even in hell difficulty where the v1.10 monsters have tons of HPs this is a significant aid (except, duh, vs. fire immunes that haven't been broken). EA (and Immolation arrow, except for the recast timer foo) is just an especially good choice because the enchant carries into the auto-hit splash (haven't tested 2 charge of fire fist or Dragon Tail in this regard, sorry).

Lots of fun. Not quite as much fun (pre-v1.10) as tranmitting effects, but certainly enough to consider Exploding Arrow to be (in combination with +fire Enchant) not just the unused little sister of Freezing Arrow.
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Quirks/features of Exploding Arrow (bows) - by Crystalion - 08-19-2003, 10:31 PM

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