I freaking hate items with crossclass effects.
various posters Wrote:I suppose those items are necessary to solo in hell difficulty, which is supposed to be party oriented now. Doesn't mean I have to like it. And I'm sure I'll be completely dependant on them using Elemental Skills.

When certain skills and pieces of equipment become *necessary* to complete the game, something is wrong. This isn't like a melee class requiring some form of life leech -- this is a melee class character essentially requiring a necromancer curse just to complete the game!

The real joke is how now, in 1.10, you HAVE to party to get through hell effectively.
Out of four characters in hell (mageazon, defiant zealot, BF trapsassin, kicksin) and one in NM (shock bear), I have had no need to rely on gear like delirium for confuse or other cross-class items. All of them have their own means of crowd control and are able to solo reasonably at players 1-2 at the very least. Sure there are certain nemesis in the game where I would have severe problems with but those are but 1-2 monsters out of the entire game.

The confuse from delirium is just one means to control crowd. But for most of my characters, I'd gladly rather have a necromancer alongside providing other curses like amp, life tap or lower resists in many situations since I already have my own means of crowd control.

Of course, certain builds or classes will lack that kind of crowd control skills, which does make it somewhat necessary for items like delirium to come in. But to say that it is *necessary* for melee characters to rely on a necro curse or that you have to party to get complete the game just does not sound right as a general statement. There are simply a lot of builds out there that can and will survive on their own if you find the right combination of gear and skills to do so.

The bigger problems I have with those cross-class items is that more often than not, those items would override much higher level or appropriate skills used by the class itself... ie. 15 BO from call to arms overriding a 30+ BO from a barb, or delirium overriding some more appropriate curses from a necro.

Messages In This Thread
I freaking hate items with crossclass effects. - by Ice - 08-16-2003, 04:36 AM
I freaking hate items with crossclass effects. - by Guest - 09-24-2003, 09:52 PM

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